Lit Tue December 10, 2024Thank you Nerthus, for...
Thank you Nerthus, for helping me write my paper about you and honor your name in doing so. Thank you for your divine wisdom and the inspiration granted to me in order to do so. May I remember your name always and sing your praises. Hail Nerthus, mother of us all.
Lit Thu December 05, 2024Nerthus, please help...
Nerthus, please help me write this paper in your name; may it honor and illuminate You.
For this, I will spend more time enjoying the beauty of your green Earth.
Lit Tue July 16, 2024Nerthus, please help...
Nerthus, please help me to find the clarity I need to set clear intentions to allow a deep earthen love to enter my life so that we can act in union to heal the earth for coming generations.
For this, I will leave an offering for the earth in a scared place and speak your name three times. Hail to you dear Nerthus, powerful goddess of the deep earth wisdom and might. You are beauty and may your medicine sing stronger than ever before!
Lit Tue June 18, 2024Thank you Nerthus, for...
Hail Nerthus, Maiden of the Hidden Face, Beautiful Mother. As the changing of seasons dawns, You set out upon Your ride; o Holy Hidden Goddess, I know You shall turn Your fair features upon us and bring us peace with the rising sun!
Lit Mon April 15, 2024Hail Nerthus!
Hail Nerthus, the Ancient and Hidden Goddess,Soul of the Earth!
Thank you Nerthus, for Your generous and fecund gifts, allowing my life.
Thank You for my daily bread.
May You always be honoured, Noble Heart of the Vanir.
Hail to the Earth Mother, the Great Lady of Fecund Soil.
Lit Mon April 08, 2024Hail Nerthus!
Hail Nerthus, Mighty Goddess of the Green Fields!
I always see Your presence in nature and bow my head in awe.
Thank You, Mother of the Dark Soil for Your abundant gifts and gracious blessings.
Thank You Nerthus of the Green Fields, for all you provide.
Thank You for chirping swallows in the blue spring sky.
Thank You for the delicious smell of the red summer roses, wheatfields heavy on ears.
Thank You for golden trees, rich in fruits and a blessed autumn harvest.
Thank you for the calmness and silence, dancing snowflakes, winter peace.
May I be mindful of Your blessings.
Glory to the Eternal Goddess,the Great Earth Mother!
Lit Wed April 03, 2024Hail Nerthus!
Hail Nerthus, Ancient One,Hidden One!
Great honour to the Veiled Goddess of Beyond and Bog.
Thank You Nerthus, for all Your generous gifts.
Lit Mon March 25, 2024Hail Nerthus!
Hail Nerthus!
Deep-Rooted Goddess, Soul of the Earth!
Ancient and hidden, Heart of the Vanir, we thank You for fertile land.
Nerthus, Mother, Trusted One, we thank You for bread.