Light a Candle for Holda

Light a virtual candle for Holda

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sun November 12, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Noble Lady of Hearth and Home!
Lit Wed November 08, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda,Ancient One, Great One,Triune One!
Mighty Silver-Haired Goddess who spins magic and knits winter, I hail You in my home!
Please, let Your blessings, let Your feathers fly.
Lit Thu November 02, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for guiding me.
Lit Sun October 29, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Honoured Mother of Hearth and Home,
Thank You Holda, for the many blessings in my life.

Heil Dir Holda,Große Göttin meines Landes meiner Ahnen!
Hollemutter,Perchta, Erdenmutter - Ursprung allen Seins.
Möge Dein Segen Midgard erfüllen, und möge Dein Name auf immer erinnert sein!
Und lohne unsere Treue mit Treue.
So war’s bei den Ahnen, so sei es bei uns.
Lit Sun October 22, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda,Noble Lady of Hearth and Home!
Thank You Holda, for all Your blessings.
Lit Sat October 21, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Mother Holda, Protector of the Home and Hearth!
All hail to the Silver-Haired Goddess who spins magic and knits winter.
Your gifts and blessings are overflowing the world Great Mother of the Hearth.
Please, provide me warmth of the Hearth and peace of the home.
Please, open my ears to hear You, please open my eyes to see with thanks the gifts I recieve and please open my heart for Your wisdom, let Your feathers fly.
For this I will offer You the skills of my hands, head and heart - to craft things to delight the eye and the heart and I will always bake my bread to Your honour.
Blessed Lady, may I honour You with my daily labors.
May Your name always be spoken with respect from every tongue!
Lit Fri October 20, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for watching over me when I am in need. You are the sheltering cabin, the depths of the pool, the sky at sunset, the grain of ancient wood. You are the Tender of the Hearth, the Compassionate Mother. I am forever grateful for your care.
Lit Fri October 20, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for watching over me when I am in need. You are the sheltering cabin, the depths of the pool, the sky at sunset, the grain of ancient wood. You are the Tender of the Hearth, the Compassionate Mother. I am forever grateful for your care.
Lit Fri October 20, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for watching over me when I am in need. You are the sheltering cabin, the depths of the pool, the sky at sunset, the grain of ancient wood. You are the Tender of the Hearth, the Compassionate Mother. I am forever grateful for your care.
Lit Fri October 20, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for watching over me when I am in need. You are the sheltering cabin, the depths of the pool, the sky at sunset, the grain of ancient wood. You are the Tender of the Hearth, the Compassionate Mother. I am forever grateful for your care.
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