Light a Candle for Holda

Light a virtual candle for Holda

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Mon December 25, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Honoured Mother of Hearth and Home,
Thank You Holda, for the many blessings in my life.

Heil Dir Holda,Große Göttin meines Landes meiner Ahnen!
Hollemutter,Perchta, Erdenmutter - Ursprung allen Seins.
Möge Dein Segen Midgard erfüllen, und möge Dein Name auf immer erinnert sein!
Und lohne unsere Treue mit Treue.
So war’s bei den Ahnen, so sei es bei uns.
Lit Fri December 22, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for helping me fight my crippling depression and get my house cleaned! I worked at it all day and felt your presence guiding me and cheering me on.

For this I will offer you a daily prayer
Lit Thu December 21, 2023 Holda, please help...

Holda, please help me get to know you better. I feel drawn to you and I want to know the Gods of my ancestors.

For this, I will
Lit Sun December 17, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda,Great Nurturing Mother!
All hail to the Queen of Matrons, Leader of the wild and furious hunt,Protectress of the feral animals.
Thank You Mighty White Goddess, for your tender compassion and strong shelter when I feel unsafe.
Please give Your boons to my knitting needles and wool, to my breadflour and oven that I may create artifacts of utility and beauty.
Blessed Lady, You are worthy of our praise and offerings.
Lit Tue December 12, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Mother Holda, Noble Lady of Hearth and Home!
Thank You for the abundance in my life even if I don't always see it.
Lit Sun December 03, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Great Nurturing Mother, Protectress of the Home and Hearth!
Thank You Holda, for many blessings,Thank You White Lady, for strengthening my hearth and home with your security.
Please,bless the food on my table and help me to cope through life's demands
May I learn from you and grow in knowledge and skill.
May You shake your downy pillows always over us.
May none forget you -blessed be.
Lit Sun November 26, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Great Goddess of Hearth and Home! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu November 23, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for allowing me to visit your realm. I didn't know your name but after doing some research I finally figured out your name. I hope to visit your home and meet you again.
Lit Sun November 19, 2023 Thank you Holda, for...

Thank you Holda, for nurture and care with which you have preserved my home and family. Hail to you in this blessed season of cold and want that reminds us all of what is most important in our lives.
Lit Sun November 19, 2023 Hail Holda!

Hail Holda, Mother Holle, Perchta!
Hail to You Wise Mistress of the Hunt and Your hidden secrets!
Your roots grow deep in ancient times, veiled and mighty.
Your magic spins destiny, weaves mortal's Wyrd.
Great Mother since beginning of the time, I bow my head in awe.
Life and death, maiden and crone, beautiful and terrible, fearsome and generous, I I hear Your wisdom and will follow You.
Gleaming Goddess of the Winter White, let Your feathers fly!
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