Hail Hel, Mighty Keeper of the hopes for tomorrow!
Hail to the One who rules below, Mother Death !
Blessed be Thou, the Darkest and the Brightest, the Keeper of the Holy Mysteries!
Thank You Hel, for Your compassion and graciousness shown to the weak.
Thank You, Holy Granter of Endless Transformations for welcoming all into Your realm without judgement.
Thank You, Heedful Guardian of the World's Renewal, Holder of the Last Hope, for Your goodness You grant to those, who have gone before us into the unknown, to our honoured dead who dwell within Your halls.
Holy Mother, may Your name never be forgotten, and may Your patience and wisdom be praised.
In eternal love and devotion!
Silent Your wisdom, Yours my last breath.
Lit Mon March 03, 2025Hela, please help...
Hela, please help me understand your beauty and help me understand you.
For this, I will give myself to you
Lit Sat February 22, 2025Hail Hela!
Hail Hel, Lady of Sorrow, Gentle Keeper of Souls, Queen of Helheim, Graceful Dark Mother!
Hail to the One who rules below!
Thank you Hel, for all of the many blessings You bestow upon our dead.
Thank You Hel, for Your compassion shown to the weak and outcast.
Thank You Hel, for guarding my way.
Great honour to the All-Embracing Mother!
May Your name never be forgotten, and may Your patience and wisdom be praised.
Lit Wed February 19, 2025Hail Hela!
Hail Hel,Great Goddess of Endless Transformations!
Hail to the Mighty Mistress of the Deadlands.
Gracious Hel,Mother of Bones, so dark and so fair, so grim and so gentle, we thank You for Your goodness and graciousness,for Your open-handed hospitality and care of those who have gone before us.
Thank You Hel, for the blessing of peace that comes from Your strength and ancient wisdom.
All hail and gratitude to the Lady of Decay, to the Goddess of all Endings and Beginnings!
My Mighty Queen of the Deathlands , Sister of the Great Wolf, I praise You and offer You my tears, my pain and my fear.
My beloved and adored Dark Mother, who sits quietly waiting, may You always be my guide and my comfort- thank You for all, thank You for being You.
Lit Mon February 10, 2025Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for opening my eyes in my as my 33rd year of life comes to a close. 3 days left and I greet my 34th with clarity. This will be my best year yet because I know she is with me. And always has been, my entire life.
Lit Wed January 29, 2025Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for your protection and your guidance. Thank you for helping light the way.
Lit Sat January 25, 2025Hail Hela!
On her lips rest the names of all who are forgotten,
Guardian of the End.
Lady of the People, none are turned away.
She asks not greatness, glory, or fame.
All will come to rest at her feet.
Life, Death, Rebirth.
Her mighty beauty holds all.
Lit Wed January 22, 2025Hail Hela!
Hail Hela!
Lit Sun January 19, 2025Hail Hela!
Hail Hel, Gracious Mistress of Eternity , She who is Patient and Wise!
Great honour to You Mother of the Dead, Patron of the Outcasts.
Great glory to the Still One, who never lies.
Gracious One, Quiet One, who cares for the misfits, the sick, the weak, and those who walk between the worlds in states of mental illness.
Your touch of mortality is a reminder to me of the fragility of life.
Your mystery ,shining darkly within my Soul,Your whispering deep in my heart, is the ever present reminder of death, and decay.
Mighty Mother of the Black Veil, You are feared by most and loved by those who understand Your true nature.
Blessed be Thou!
May we remember You and Your blessings throughout all times.
May we find our way into Your embrace when we greet the world of afterlife.
May we all come in hope and not despair.
Hail Hel, who holds the faithful.
Great honour to the All-Embracing Mother!
Lit Fri January 17, 2025Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for your servant that keeps your stories and those of your family growing so that others may hear and learn to be better.