Welcome to Freya's Shrine
Welcome to the online shrine of Freya, the Norse/Germanic goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, and magic. Freya is a beautiful and versatile goddess with many, many followers, and we hope to do her justice here on this shrine. She who wears the falcon cloak and the necklace Brisingamen, she whose tears are drops of amber and spring up as snowdrops, she who inspires love in all hearts! All hail the Lady of Love, the Vanadis!
Artwork by Maris Pai.
This shrine is sponsored by Beatriz Prat and Ember Cooke.
Fire Jewel

Fire Jewel: A Devotional for Freyja by Gefion Vanirdottir. Freyja, the ancient Norse Goddess of love, fertility, and sorcery is one of the most popular deities of modern Norse religious traditions, and yet there is a dearth of devotional material dedicated to her. This collection of writings hopes to remedy that problem. Here you will find poems, prayers, rituals, songs, and more in praise of the goddess in her various aspects. To some, she is a goddess of love, others speak of her as sorceress and seidr-worker, some see her as the goddess who mourns for her absent husband, others as a mighty warrior, still others as her father's daughter shining upon the sea. She is all of these things, and more. She is the Goddess who wears Brisingamen, the Fire Jewel, the most beautiful necklace in the world – and knows that she is worthy of its gift." (116 pages, 6"x9")