My dearest Freyja, I think of you often. I love You even now after all this time. Actually my love has grown stronger. You are the truest of best friends and I am both humbled and honored to know you. Many blessings and much love upon you.
Lit Sun March 23, 2025Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for...
Lit Fri March 21, 2025Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya for your consideration
Lit Mon March 17, 2025Hail Freya!
For all Your gifts in love and magic, Freyja, I thank You!
Lit Wed March 12, 2025Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for still being there for me to find again. Ill try not to be a disapointment.
Lit Wed March 12, 2025Hail Freya!
Hail Freya for bring me back to You
Lit Mon March 03, 2025Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you, Freya, for the gifts of the mind and spirit.
Lit Sun March 02, 2025Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for the fullness of your lessons as we grow.
Lit Sat March 01, 2025Freya, please help...
Freya, please please please hear my prayers and accept all my offerings. I beg you from the deepest of my heart and soul. Please hear my heart, my wishes and dreams. I will continue to provide you offerings, in the hope they will please you. Thank you and hear my heart
Lit Thu February 27, 2025Thank you Freya, for...
Obrigado freyja pelo domÃnio dos quatro elementos e de minha magia interior