Bragi, please help me to find my missing guitar. Please let it be safe and returned to me.
For this, I will name my guitar after you and honor you with my commitment to playing it.
Lit Fri September 27, 2024Thank you Bragi, for...
I heard your voice in the songs of Faun live on stage for the first time in my life. I hail you and your wife! Thank you Bragi, for summoning them to my shore. I am reinvigorated with love for you.
Lit Sun September 22, 2024Bragi, please help...
Bragi, please help me write music with deeper creativity and stronger evocation of emotion and yourself.
For this, I will write in your name. Hail Bragi!
Lit Fri September 20, 2024Bragi, please help...
Bragi, please help my favorite writer feel inspired and supported to keep publishing her story. Send her the inspiration and motivation to continue here work.
For this, I will build you an alter and light you a candle nightly.
Lit Thu September 19, 2024Hail Bragi!
Praise Bragi!
Lit Fri August 30, 2024Bragi, please help...
Bragi, please help me write more creatively/smoothly.
For this, I will write songs in your name, and light this candle. Praise be.
Lit Mon July 01, 2024Thank you Bragi, for...
Thank you Bragi, for being you.
Lit Sun May 19, 2024Thank you Bragi, for...
Thank you Bragi, for gifting me creative inspiration, guiding me in writings for all inner strength you imbue
Lit Tue February 27, 2024Thank you Bragi, for...
Thank you Bragi, for the gift of Adrian Smith, on today, his 67th birthday!
Lit Sun February 25, 2024Bragi, please help...
Bragi, please help me in my songwriting, and the poetry that comes about in/with lyricism.
For this, I will dedicate my music and writing created with your help to you.