“Follow where I go,” he says,
And I follow twin tracks in the snow
Curving and banking past the evergreens,
He turns, lightning fast, and shoots
Swift as a serpent through the air,
And it thuds home, I cannot see where.
“Stay on your toes!” he orders, and with
A swish of fir branches, he is gone.
I follow, tracking as I can, as if one could
Track a god; it is only that I know he wishes
To be found that I have any hope.
For the God on Skis wants to be tracked,
Expects to be found, waves a casual arm
With the glint of teeth in a grin, nearly
White as the snows through which he glides.
He is not remote, and he has no patience
For our hesitant reverence. “Come on!”
I hear from down the hill, and on I go,
Because every hunt is an adventure,
And to be chosen as his companion even once
Is worth all the chilly toes in Midgard.