Hail to Tyr
by Magnus Dietrich
Hail to the God by whose names we swear oaths,
Hail to the God by whose sword we are inspired,
Hail to the One who shield-arm is maimed
But who bears a shield nonetheless
To protect those who cannot fight the enemy.
Hail to you, O Tyr,
And teach us how effective we can be.
Hail to the God who teaches us true
That the rightful place of a warrior
Is to be the wall, the boundary, the tree
To be felled in the course of protection
But hopefully, we pray to you, O Tyr,
To bear up under the storm of fighting,
To protect those who we stand before,
And to return home to them finally
Even if we stand less than whole
To our well-earned place at the hearthside.
Hail to you, O Tyr,
And teach us how courageous we can be.