Grandfather, please help me to have the courage to be honest in the face of fear.
For this, I will work ever-so-much harder in listening to You, and remembering to act with Your honour in mind. xx
Lit Sat February 23, 2013Thank you Tyr, for...
Thank you Tyr, for Strength of my arm.
Lit Sat February 16, 2013Hail Tyr!
Hail Tyr! I praise your honor and your steadfast nature in following the path of honor.
Lit Tue February 12, 2013Thank you Tyr, for...
Thank you Tyr, for... existing and bringing me comfort in know your disciples are out there.
Lit Mon February 11, 2013Thank you Tyr, for...
Thank you Tyr, for being implacable. You are an inspiration, as always.
Lit Fri February 08, 2013Thank you Tyr, for...
Hail Tyr, Sword-Lord! Thank You for my honorable, dedicated husband, who is unafraid of sacrifice for the greater good of our marriage. He is a living testament to Your Goodness and Love in an otherwise hard world. Your name is holy in our home; Your example is our example.
Lit Fri February 08, 2013Hail Tyr!
Hail Tyr!
Lit Fri February 08, 2013Thank you Tyr, for...
Thank you Tyr, for the example you gave me and your presence when facing a tiny piece of what you did. Also for reminding us that sometimes our personal honor must be sacrificed harshly for the good of the whole.