Thank you Skadi, for this beautiful winter, this glorious snow, your gifts every year!
Lit Thu November 21, 2013Hail Skadi!
Hail Skadi! May we embrace the cold, the chill in our bones for things to come. May this be a reminder of you - that we might stand a little taller, aim a little better, survive the dark of what winter brings. Goddess, be with me. Be with us. May we not hang-back in the tent or seek the cabin's comfort, but but step bravely into darkness's first light, bringing back the morning kill that is assurity for the feast of a cold day. Hail Skadi, huntress of frost. We call on thee from the West, for cold soon comes.
Lit Mon November 18, 2013Skadi, please help...
Skadi, please help, I ask for thy blessings on all the hunts I may go on in the future.
For this, I will give a small amount of the food and drink to you from each hunt. All hail!