Thank you Skadi, for everything you have done for me, taught to me. I leave dark times behind me, thanks to you, that maybe I would not have been through without your help. You leave an indelible mark in me that I take pride in, a gift thata I will always remember. Thank you again lady of winter, I love you.
Lit Wed April 23, 2014Hail Skadi!
Hail Skadi!
Lit Mon April 21, 2014Hail Skadi!
Hail Skadi!
Lit Wed April 16, 2014Thank you Skadi, for...
Thank you Skadi, for Your blessings of cold and ice, frost and snow. Now winter comes to an end, but we will remember and prepare for the beginning of your reign in the far months to come. Hail Skadi!