For Sif
by Galina Krasskova
I am the seed, lost in ignorance and fear.
Encompass me in the nurturing
darkness of Your rich soil.
Let my roots drink deeply from the nectar of wisdom
that You offer.
Let me appreciate each day and hour of my journey,
each moment of
my blossoming faith,
for each step I take, though difficult, brings me closer to
Let me treasure the time I must spend
nurturing my awareness of Your bounty and
Let me feel the gentle comfort of Your patient guidance.
I seek to grow in
faith, in knowledge of You,
the lessons of the passage of time etched upon my
toughening skin,
the tales of my survival by Your grace engraved upon each
withering leaf
of the days and nights of my existence.
Teach me to craft, in
gentle service,
a home within my heart that will be an honor to You.
Let me never
hesitate to invite You
into the home that is my heart.