34 Adorations to Sif

by Galina Krasskova

Sif 15

I adore You, gold-tressed wife of Thor.

I adore You, Mother of Ullr

I adore You, Mother of Thruðr.

I adore You, Mother of Lóriði

I adore You, Whose blessings make fruitful the earth.

I adore You, goddess of ripening grain.

I adore You, Who makes the harvest mighty.

I adore You, Protector of the family.

I adore You, Guardian of hearth.

I adore You, Mighty Horn-bearer.

I adore You, Goddess of Marriage.

I adore You, Who weaves frith between in-laws.

I adore You, flyted by Loki.

I adore You, Delight of the Mead-hall.

I adore You, Skilled in Prophecy.

I adore You, Women of Valor.

I adore You, Woman of Strength.

I adore You, Most Beautiful.

I adore You, Who birthed a line of kings.

I adore You, Mother of warriors.

I adore You, Whose Daughter is Mighty.

I adore You, Goddess of autumn.

I adore You, Goddess of the Richest Earth.

I adore You, Rival of Jarnsaxa.

I adore You, Desired throughout the worlds.

I adore You, Good Mother.

I adore You, Who defuses conflict.

I adore You, adored by Thor.

I adore You, Goddess of wholeness.

I adore You, of the beautiful hair.

I adore You,  to Whom rowan is sacred.

I adore You, skilled in magic

I adore You, Who hallows the home.

I adore You, Sif,

now and forever.




Artwork by Righon.