Light a Candle for Sif

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Thu April 21, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif, Great Goddess of Fidelity and Grain!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu April 14, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif, Noble Provider of Plenty, Beloved of Thor!
Lit Mon April 11, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif,bride of the thunder God. Thank you for all that you teach, and all that you love. With hair of shining gold may your knowledge always be blessed as it has blessed me. Steadfast my Goddess
Lit Thu April 07, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif,Noble Povider of Plenty, Beloved of Thor!
Thank You Sif of the Golden Sheaf, for fields flowing with grain ,for trees heavy with fruit.
Lit Thu March 31, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif, Lady of the Golden Harvest!
Hail to You, Mighty Goddess of the Golden Hair!
Thank You for Your gracious blessings.
Lit Thu March 24, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif, Great Goddess of Fidelity and Grain! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Sun March 20, 2022 Hail Sif!

Lit Thu March 17, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif, Great Goddess of Fidelity and Grain!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu March 10, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif,Noble Povider of Plenty, Beloved of Thor!
Thank You Sif of the Golden Sheaf, for fields flowing with grain ,for trees heavy with fruit.
Lit Thu March 03, 2022 Hail Sif!

Hail Sif, Lady of the Golden Harvest!
Hail to You, Mighty Goddess of the Golden Hair!
Thank You for Your gracious blessings.
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