Welcome to Rind's Shrine

Honoring the Lady of Ice

Frost Princess

Welcome to the shrine of Rind, frost-giantess and goddess of women's protection. Rind is the mother of Odin's son Váli, and is little known among much of the Northern Tradition, but we few who work with her, we know that she is compassionate beyond her heart of ice. Welcome to her frosty world, and while you must tread carefully, you will find much magic herein.

Site Disclaimer

First, I do not practice any form of Native American spirituality. My practice is derived from my understanding of ancient northern Eurasian practices. Second, I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of any Asatru or Heathen group. I do not identify as Asatru or Heathen. I am a northern-tradition Pagan, which is a religious tradition that is reconstructionist-derived, rather than a reconstructionist religious tradition such as Asatru and/or Heathenry. The views espoused in these pages may or may not reflect the views of most Asatru and/or Heathen people or religious groups. They are derived from the personal gnosis of myself and other people whom I trust and respect. I do not claim that they are provable by academic sources, nor that they are anything other than what I say they are. Read at your own risk.

Artwork by Kat. Photo: Nina Pak. Model: Sarah Scoular. Designer: Temna Fialka. MUA/Hair: Kat Morris.