Hail Ostara, Noble Maiden of the Bright Spring!
Thank You for Your gifts and blessing,the offerings of another year of love and light.
Thank You Ostara, for giving me hope and reminding me that there will always be new beginnings.
Lit Sat February 18, 2023Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara.
Lit Mon February 13, 2023Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for...
Lit Mon February 13, 2023Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for everything You have done for us, thank you for your protection. I love You
Lit Mon January 30, 2023Thank you Ostara, for...
Lit Mon January 23, 2023Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara, Great Goddess of Spring!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.