Hail Ostara,White-Clad Maiden !
Snow and ice melt at Your gaze, flowers bloom with each soft step.
We welcome You, we ask Your blessing.
In You we see the might of new life, thank You.
Lit Sun April 01, 2018Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you, for these awesome chocolate bunnies and the fragrant lilies and hyacinths, for friends and family love, for greetings from others who skip it and for every other thing
Lit Sun April 01, 2018Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara
Lit Sun April 01, 2018Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara
Lit Sun April 01, 2018Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara! Keeper of the True Festival! May you continue to show us the way of rebirth and growth.
Lit Sun April 01, 2018Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for all the joys that life can bring, for happiness and laughter
Lit Sun April 01, 2018Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for helping me to see and apreciate the different seasons here up North. Thank you for the promise of a New Year and a New Beginining!
Lit Sat March 31, 2018Ostara, please help...
Ostara, please help humanity to stop destroying each other, all other living creatures, and the earth. Please kill greed, eliminate poverty, give us green jobs, and bring us to peace.
For this, I will give my services to humanity and the earth whenever Ostara calls me. I have pledged my troth to Odin, but I will also be of service to Ostara when she calls.
Lit Sat March 31, 2018Ostara, please help...
Ostara, please help me heal our mother Earth.
For this, I will erect an alter for you on my land.
Lit Sat March 31, 2018Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for the colors of the spring and the flowers that it brings!