Thank you Ostara, for the Netflix series "Equinox". I hope Ida comes back to life, and everyone is safe from the cult. Long live Denmark.
Lit Wed December 30, 2020Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for coming into my life. I know you will begin to give it more meaning and help me in my way.
Lit Mon December 28, 2020Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara, Great Goddess of Spring! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Tue December 22, 2020Thank you Ostara, for...
Hail the Goddess of spring and new life.
Lit Mon December 21, 2020Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara,White-Clad Maiden !
Snow and ice melt at Your gaze, flowers bloom with each soft step.
We welcome You, we ask Your blessing.
In You we see the might of new life, thank You.
Lit Mon December 14, 2020Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Hail the Noble Herald of Springtime!
Lit Mon December 07, 2020Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara,Fair One, Flower-Maid!
In You we see the might of new life.
We praise You, Bright Ostara.
Lit Thu December 03, 2020Thank you Ostara, for...
Eostre, Goddess of Spring and renewal of life in this Earth. I thank you for appearing on my dreams and be so joyful towards me; always approachable and care-free. On this cold days, I yern for Spring to come. Light my path.
Lit Mon November 30, 2020Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara, Noble Maiden of the Bright Spring!
Thank You for Your gifts and blessing,the offerings of another year of love and light.
Thank You Ostara, for giving me hope and reminding me that there will always be new beginnings.