Hail Hermod

by Eric S.

Hail Hermod, Hel Rider

Hail Sleipnir’s Second Rider

Hail the Honor Hounded Hel Farer


Hail the Bearer of Frigga’s Embassy

Hail the Leaper of Hel’s Gate

Hail the Nine Days Darkness Rider


Hail Hermod, whose task failed through no fault of his own

Hail He who shows us that duties must be taken, even if they fail

Hail Hermod, who shows us that courage and devotion come in many forms

Hail He who shows us that it is the doing that matters most


Hermod1Hail the Hel-farer, far traveled Hermod

Sleipnir’s bold rider, brave seeker of Balder

Hail Hermod, who took on the dark task

Hermod, Hel Rider

Sleipnir’s Second Horseman
Hermod, Hel Rider

Balder’s Brother, Odin’s Boy

Frigga’s Faithful Bearer

Hermod, Hel Rider

Nine Days Journey for Brother’s Ransom

Bearer of Asgard’s Embassy

Rider of Dark and Forbidden Roads

Hermod, Hel Rider

Mordgud’s Challenge Answered

Hel’s Gate Leaped by Heroic Horseman

Frigga’s Words Delivered

Hel Hears

Hermod, Hel Rider

Hel’s Answer Wisely Given

Gifts Returned to Hermod’s keeping

Frigga’s Messenger turns towards home

Hermod, Hel Rider

Hel’s Gates and Mordgud passed

To Asgard, Message Taken

Hermod, Hel Rider

Message Delivered but Mission fails

Hermod, Hel Rider

Hermod, Hel Rider; We Honor your Journey and your Gift