
Warlord, Wizard, Worldmaker

In Praise Of The Slain God

by Sarenth Odinsson



A windy tree

Had snapped your neck

The flesh was pierced

With spear run red

Your sullen eyes

Were closed to me

My own open’d

In clawing grief

In roads of Death

You sought the Runes

You took them up

A shatt’ring boon

The Worlds shivered

At your scream

From deepest dark

From sight unseen

You came back then

Your form unbound

Wisdom shared

From then till now

You taught to give

You taught to make

You taught to gift

You taught to take

You taught to see

You taught to know

You taught to speak

Our paths You’ve shown

Hail Yggr!

Hail Hangaguð!

Hail Valtamr!

Hail Runatyr!

Hail, Hail, Hail!