Glory to Ƿо̄den, Eallfaeder, on His day. The Eternal All that is our existence, the Rider of the Ash; the Ecstasy of Inspiration and Creation. Hail, Eallfaeder. May I never stop growing, may I never yield in the face of challenges great and small.
Lit Wed November 20, 2024Hail Odin!
Hail Odin! Hail AllFather! Hail BreathGiver!
Lit Tue November 19, 2024Hail Odin!
Hail Odin! Hail AllFather! Hail Odin!
Lit Tue November 19, 2024Hail Odin!
Wæs þu hæl, Wuotan! Har, Walfather, Hangatyr, One-Eyed hallower of the Runes!
Lit Mon November 18, 2024Hail Odin!
Hail Odin! Hail AllFather! Hail Odin!
Lit Sun November 17, 2024Hail Odin!
Hail and Glory to Woden! All-Father, Life-Breather, Wanderer, King, Sorcerer, Killer and Poet!
Lit Sat November 16, 2024Hail Odin!
Hail Odin! Hail AllFather! Hail Odin!
Lit Thu November 14, 2024Odin, please help...
Odin, please help with my living situation.
For this, I will choose work that will bring honor to you
Lit Thu November 14, 2024Hail Odin!
Слава Тебе Один за твою милость ко мне и помощь и спасение в труднейшие моменты жизни. Всегда благодарен и буду благодарен тебе за это.Слава Тебе, Всеотец!