Niorun, please help me become skilled in lucid dreaming and the Law of Attraction.
For this, I will now light a virtual candle.
Lit Sat June 13, 2020Hail Niorun!
Hail Njörun!
Hail to the Goddess of Dreams!
Lit Mon May 11, 2020Hail Niorun!
Niorun-you came to me, so I come to you. I hear your call, feel your magic and frenzy. You will not be pinned down, nor will I. So mote it be.
Lit Fri May 08, 2020Hail Niorun!
Hail Lady of the Seven Lights, the Harbor of Dreams, the Shaper at the Gates of Ivory and Horn, the Mist-Woman. Hail Niorun of Dreams!
Lit Mon April 20, 2020Thank you Niorun, for...
Thank you Niorun, for all those people who dream together.
Lit Sun April 12, 2020Hail Niorun!
Hail Njörun,Mysterious Lady of the Dream Realm!
You give us the gift of dreams,You bestow us enlightenment through dreams.
Thank You, Veiled Goddess of the Hidden Wisdom.
Lit Tue April 07, 2020Thank you Niorun, for...
Thank you Niorun, for your existence and keeping the flame alive on your end of the veil!
Lit Wed March 25, 2020Hail Niorun!
Hail to the Mist-woman, the Lady Shaper at the Gates of Ivory and Horn, the Harbor of Dreams!
Lit Sun March 08, 2020Hail Niorun!
Hail Niorun!
Lit Mon February 17, 2020Thank you Niorun, for...
Thank you Niorun, for sharing your knowledge with me.