For this, I will be most reverent and hold great loving gratitude for all the rest of my days, with devoted appreciation, within my heart there is much love needing to be shared and valued with passion, joy and productivity, Hail Niorun !
Lit Sat October 12, 2013Hail Niorun!
Hail Niorun!
Lit Sun September 15, 2013Hail Niorun!
Hail Lady Njörun!
Lit Sun August 18, 2013Niorun, please help...
Niorun, please help me endure what is beong revealed in my dreama.
For this, I will create nine dream pillows, as gifts for those who auffer a similar malady. Hail to thw Lady of Dreams.
Lit Mon July 22, 2013Niorun, please help...
Niorun, please help me find my purpose in this life, and get more spiritually connected to myself, and my family and ancestors who have past. please help me remember the long past.
For this, I will tell of your greatness and use this information to better myself so I may help others aswell
Lit Mon July 15, 2013Hail Niorun!
Hail Niorun! May our dreams be never dull!
Lit Tue July 09, 2013Hail Niorun!
Hail Njörun, Goddess of Mysteries!
Lit Fri June 14, 2013Hail Niorun!
Hail Niorun!
Lit Mon May 13, 2013Hail Niorun!
Hail Njörun! Lady of Dreams, may you enlighten us gently.