Light A Candle for Light a Candle for Unn

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sun March 20, 2011 Hail Unn!

Hail Unn! At this time of the "Supermoon" Mani is closest to you the whole earth feels the tidal force.
Lit Sun March 13, 2011 Hail Unn!

Hail Unn! You Who are Mani's secret Sweetness, beloved of moon and sky, wave-dancer, who numbers the passing of the ages in the counting of endless stars and beads, I praise You. I beg Your mercy, Goddess. But ever shall I praise You.
Lit Thu January 20, 2011 Thank you Unn, for...

Thank you Unn, for the brilliance of this wolf moon and the tides and the magic that is interwoven in their relation to each other.
Lit Thu January 06, 2011 Hail Unn!

Hail Unn! Keeper of the mysteries of the tides and the moon. You show us the beauty of cycles and rhythms. May all be humbled by your brilliance.
Lit Sun November 14, 2010 Thank you Unn, for...

Thank you for being so pretty, and smart, and cool, my love.

Love you, Unn baby.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Unn!

Hail Unn! From You we learn to observe and be aware of the patterns and passage of time.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Unn!

Hail Unn! Mani's delight, may You always be praised!
Lit Thu November 11, 2010 Hail Unn!

Hail Unn! Lady of the Tides, may you teach us all about the passage of time.
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