Light A Candle for Light A Candle for Kolga

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sat November 13, 2010 Thank you Kolga, for...

Thank you Kolga, for showing me steadiness in the cold. Thank you for showing me fear, and pushing me through it.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Kolga!

Hail Kolga! From You we learn the value of stillness.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Kolga!

Hail Kolga! Implacable Power. May You always be praised.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Kolga!

Hail Kolga!
Lit Thu November 11, 2010 Hail Kolga!

Hail Kolga! Iceberg maiden, arctic lady, dancer with polar bears!
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