Hail Hronn, Sister of the Whirlpool! I respect your kingdom of Fear, as I go through fears now myself. Be gentle with me, and help me to come out the other side, Lady Eel.
Lit Fri March 14, 2014Hail Hronn!
Hail Hronn!
Lit Sun November 17, 2013Hail Hronn!
Lady of lightning and giver of vigor, your blessings abound for the fearless and your watchful eye is ever present. You bring me to live free of self-perscribed burden, and remind me that the things which are out of my control, I need not fret over.
Lit Fri September 06, 2013Thank you Hronn, for...
Thank you Hronn, Lady of the whirlpool, for helping me to deal with and move past fear.