Light A Candle for Light a Candle for Hevring

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Thank you Hevring, for...

Thank you Hevring, for brushing your cloak against me the last time I swam the ocean waters. Thank you for taking my tears as I cried on the shore that night.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Hevring!

Hail Hevring! From You we learn the sacredness of grief.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Hevring!

Hail Hevring! Goddess of grief and its power, may You always be praised.
Lit Thu November 11, 2010 Hail Hevring!

Hail Hevring! May your tears teach us how to value your realm all the more.
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