Light A Candle for Light a Candle For Duva

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Wed November 07, 2012 Thank you Duva, for...

Thank you Duva, for
keeping hidden
what should remain hidden
and bringing to light
beauty we can scarcely comprehend
when the time is right
Lit Fri August 03, 2012 Thank you Duva, for...

Thank you Duva, for leading me here to discover you.
Lit Mon October 10, 2011 Thank you Duva, for...

Thank you Duva, for obscuring the way. From you, I learn to dive deep to find direction. I bow before you with eyes closed listening. Help me to know what is real and what is unreal, blessed Mermaid of the mists.
Lit Tue March 15, 2011 Hail Duva!

Hail Duva! May you keep the people of Tuvalu, Kiribati and other small island nations in your midst. May all praise your mystery.
Lit Sun March 13, 2011 Hail Duva!

Hail Duva! May Your grace and power always be praised, and Your mercy too. Be merciful to us, please, oh Goddess, though we do not deserve it.
Lit Thu January 20, 2011 Hail Duva!

Hail Duva! Peering through your mists, may all treasures on my path, embodied and immaterial, manifest through your will. May those who seek your guidance sing with clear voices and clear hearts.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Duva!

Hail Duva! From You we learn to seek that which is of value, yet which lies hidden from our eyes.
Lit Fri November 12, 2010 Hail Duva!

Hail Duva! Mysterious Power, may You always be praised.
Lit Thu November 11, 2010 Hail Duva!

Hail Duva, hidden one, veiled dancer of the islands.
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