
Mother of Vanaheim

Ploughing Charm

by Geordie Ingerson

plowing rock carvingThe first day of ploughing is always a momentous one, even when it is cold and ugly and the ploughman must drag themselves out of doors, wrapped in a coat against the early spring winds. Once you are out there looking at the earth, ready to make your mark on it as thousands of your ancestors have before you, there is always a thrill. It doesn’t matter if the ploughman is driving an industrial tractor or a team of horses. Breaking ground is always an occasion for a bit of taut excitement.

Before the ploughing begins, see the Blessing of the Plough rite in the “Year” section. That is the first step; this prayer is said when everything is harnessed and ready and you are facing down the raw earth.

Erce, Erce, I come to you this morning

To beg my bread for the year,

To open you to the chill air,

To give you back your many children

That you may multiply them again.

Mother Nerthus, open for me

That we may work in partnership once again.