Light a Candle for Mimir

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Mon April 15, 2013 Hail Mimir!

Hail Mimir!
Lit Fri March 29, 2013 Mimir, please help...

Mimir show order way to moment

For this I will stay diligent
Lit Tue January 15, 2013 Thank you Mimir, for...

Thank you Mimir, for teaching the lesson of sacrifice, for wisdom is not free.
Lit Wed September 05, 2012 Mimir, please help...

Mimir, please help show me my path for i am lost

For this, I will anything
Lit Wed September 05, 2012 Hail Mimir!

Hail Mimir! for bringing wisdom to those who seek it
Lit Fri August 03, 2012 Thank you Mimir, for...

Thank you Mimir, for leading me here to remember you.
Lit Thu July 12, 2012 Hail Mimir!

Hail Mimir! Hail He that keeps such wisdom, and shares it as it is earned. Hail keeper of such sight. Hail.
Lit Fri February 17, 2012 Thank you Mimir, for...

Thank you Mimir, for allowing me to seek wisdom.
Lit Mon February 13, 2012 Hail Mimir!

Hail Mimir!

Hail Wisdom Well-Keeper
Fearsome Formed - as if deep wisdom did not exact a toll.
We who pay full price know the stark beauty you embody.
And pour a libation in gratitude.
Hail and be welcomed here.
Lit Mon February 13, 2012 Thank you Mimir, for...

Thank you Mimir, for Your kindness in our interactions.
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