White Eyes and Black Stars: A Poem for Loki
by Gretchen G. Alexander
frith-seeking I am
though a wolf’s grin haunts me
thus healing minds din
I shall speak of you, serpent king.
Of you, who stunned me awake in the cold
of my first northern winter, who came to me bold
through the mouth of a giantess, blue haired
who kissed me and disapeared.
I shall speak fair of you, fair one,
who gives shelter to the shunned.
Stunning, immaculate chaos you are,
dancing ungraspable in fire and frost, like a bloody star.
and you, breaker of molds, old one,
Knew of me in those long-gone days,
young and blind, dice in your hands that you rolled
beneath the dwindling sun-rays
upon the ever shifting sand
Scarce can I forget
Your voice like ripping silk
that rustled psyche branches
drunk on audhumblas milk
lost in a wood of your ilk
yellow eyes flickered in the mist.
the howl of the unknown wind
chills me, and I think of you.
the moon grins into my mind
and I wished for you
the day came, lucid, bright
and I let you go
stumbling back to the known
Mysterious you are, once forever condemned
Free you are, chainless, hemmed by smiling shadows
flawed like a broken diamond
dagger, assigned to Dagr, a mandala of turmoil
that boils in Hels cauldron
Father of the disowned
Father of the in-between
Father of the fierce
Husband of the wolf chieftess
I say, in meekness, before the holy kindred
that You were the blade wyrd used to split me
that You were the shadow of an endless tree
that You were the longing in me
For something beautiful one last time,
something like the way you touched me.
But youth, that blind pink flame of promise, is gone
and in its place, knowing,
and standing tall in the awning of morning,
I shall say, great Lord of discord,
that with my innocence in pieces, I became wise
and felt the strength within me,
and rose above the flies.
And finding scraps of long-gone ravings
I thought of you, saw you with new eyes,
and smiled, pushing through.
Artwork by Sanna.