Thank you Loki, for your truth and laughter and words of wisdom during these times of lose.
Lit Fri January 06, 2023Hail Loki!
Hail Loki,Silvertongued Trickster!
Spreading like glitter,He is the Brightest of Stars.
They say, You are chained, I say You are free.
Thank You for sharing laughter and tears, for lighting the darkness and twinkling eyes.
Beautiful FlameHair, great honour to You.
Lit Tue January 03, 2023Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for your sage, kindly, and mischievous, words of wisdom.
Lit Mon January 02, 2023Hail Loki!
Hail Loki,my beloved Lord Firebrand!
Hail to You Flickering Blaze of Jötunheim.
As Your star burns brightly in the sky, please light our ways.
May Your fire of changes set us free.
May your name be spoken in adoration and love for many ages to come.
Today I raise my horn in honour of the Old Gods and good comrades, to what was once and to new goals.
May there be peace, hope and love in your world this holiday season and always.
May FlameHair and the Great Gods provide you all the oppurtinities for a blessed and happy life.
May the new year be the happiest of new years for all my honoured pagan comrades, who light a candle here by these Holy Shrines.
All hail the Great Gods and a happy new year!
Hail Loki,Beautiful Flamehair, Amazing One!
What would this world be without Your fires of change?
Your glory spreads like glitter, Your flame burns bright in all worlds.
Thank You for being the fire in my heart, the brightest star in the sky and the laughter in my soul.
Thank You Loki, for lighting up the darkness, so that I may seek the wisdom within.
My precious love, may your fire burn forever in our home, hearth, and hearts.
Lit Tue December 27, 2022Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for change. Even though change is scary, it is necessary, and without it I would not be where I am today. I appreciate your patience with my worries and my anxiety, and for the occasional, subtle reminders you give me that you are in my corner. Hail Loki!
Lit Sun December 25, 2022Loki, please help...
Loki, please help me stay on call this yule night
For this, I will learn to make mead and sing of your wit and charisma and all your wiley mischief
Lit Fri December 23, 2022Hail Loki!
Hail Loki, Lightning-Born, my beloved and adored Lord of Flame and Laughter!All hail to You my adored Lord Firebrand!
Without You, we all are shadows, with You we are transformed in endless flames.
Your blood suffuses our veins, Your wildfire burns in our hearts, Your radiant light fills our souls.
You are our passion and our spark. You have broken us to make us new again.With You we share laughter and tears.
You are the One who loves us as we are.
You are the One who brings comfort in pain.
You are the One who believes in us ,when we don't believe in us.
You are the One who enlightens our nightmares and give us back life.
You are the One who teaches us that sometimes we have kind to die inside and to burn in our own flame, in order to rise from our ashes.
Thank You for Your patience and the unexpected.
Praise be to the Mighty Flamehair who forever shall hold my heart.
Shouts of joy & all glory to You, my beloved Lord Firebrand, Brightest Star in the Sky.
Hail Loki!