Hail loki , Flame Haired! thank for for all that you do for me, and thank you for bringing me warmth and humor! guide me to see all truths sweet and harsh. Hail Loki!
Lit Tue December 05, 2023Hail Loki!
Hail Flame-bearing, Howling Warg!
Hail All-Ending, Terror Witch!
Lit Sun December 03, 2023Hail Loki!
Oh Loki, Star of Chaos Who pervades all directions, Loki be with me, Loki within me, Loki beside me, Loki before me, Loki behind me, Loki beneath me, Loki above me, Loki in quiet, Loki in danger, Loki in the hearts and mouths of friends and strangers, Loki ward me well in all my ways. Wassail!
Lit Fri December 01, 2023Hail Loki!
Praise to you, Loki, for holding me accountable during my quitting journey. I hope this game entertains you, it’s high stakes!
Lit Fri December 01, 2023Hail Loki!
Hail Loki,Lightning Born, cunning, wild, and wise!
Hail to the Flame of Love!
Your mysteries span the ages, and your many faces shine through in the most unexpected of places.
You are the fire that burns in my heart, the shining light that guides my way, the radiant moonlight that fills my soul.
You are the stars in the sky and the laughter that ignites a spark of hope in the darkness of my despair.
Thank You Loki, for being the force that breaks stagnation, the spark that starts revolution.
Thank You for being You and being here with me.
Praise be to the handsome God who forever shall hold my heart.
Shine on, Lord of the Brightest Star, shine on.
Lit Sun November 26, 2023Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you so much for everything you do. In the darkness being there and guiding me through it with you fiery light. Thank you for being there when I thought no one else was there for me. Hail Loki.
Lit Fri November 24, 2023Hail Loki!
Hail Loki,beloved FlameHair!
You are the fierce dance of lightning.
You are the wildfire that devours.
You are inspiration and twinkling eyes.
They say You are chained, I say You are free!
Thank You, my Lord, for the fires of change, for believing in me,when I didnt believe in myself.
Thank You Loki, for lighting my way when the
world seems to be dark.
I adore You, my Lord with the hospitality of my heart and of my home, with my love and devotion.
Lit Wed November 22, 2023Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for everything
Lit Tue November 21, 2023Hail Loki!
Praise to you, Loki, for holding me accountable during my quitting journey. I hope this game entertains you, it’s high stakes!
Lit Mon November 20, 2023Hail Loki!
Praise to you, Loki, for holding me accountable during my quitting journey. I hope this game entertains you, it’s high stakes!