Loki, please help me overcome this school year with no other troubles.
For this, I will I will continue to support and uplift those who are outcasted, like me, in your name.
Lit Mon March 11, 2024Hail Loki!
Asgarda-Loki of Arghalla,
Thou Flame of Life I adore Thee,
Shining Divinely in my Mind,
Inspire me and Guide me.
Lit Mon March 11, 2024Hail Loki!
Hail Loki!
Lit Mon March 11, 2024Hail Loki!
Loki, in Your name, may We shine. Waes hale!
Lit Sun March 10, 2024Loki, please help...
Loki, please help me retain my ability to laugh and stay lighthearted through this difficult journey of trauma exploration.
For this, I will continue to support and uplift those who are outcasted, like me, in your name.
Lit Fri March 08, 2024Hail Loki!
Hail Loki,Silvertongued Trickster!
Spreading like glitter,He is the Brightest of Stars.
They say, You are chained, I say You are free.
Thank You for sharing laughter and tears, for lighting the darkness and twinkling eyes.
Beautiful FlameHair, great honour to You.
Hail Loki,Beautiful Flamehair, Amazing One!
What would this world be without Your fires of change?
Your glory spreads like glitter, Your flame burns bright in all worlds.
Thank You for being the fire in my heart, the brightest star in the sky and the laughter in my soul.
Thank You Loki, for lighting up the darkness, so that I may seek the wisdom within.
Lit Tue February 27, 2024Loki, please help...
Loki, please help with my one wish I’ve been praying for.
For this, I will leave an offering of fireball and something sweet