Hail All Ending Life Giver.
Hail High Flying Howling One.
Hail Wild Flaming Giant God.
Hail Great Magic Terror Witch.
Lit Sun May 26, 2024Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki for showing me I'm standing in a pool of my own excrement. Really explains a lot.
Lit Tue May 21, 2024Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for showing me the lighter side of things and able to laugh more. Hail Loki!!
Lit Mon May 20, 2024Thank you Loki, for...
Thank you Loki, for guiding and protecting me daily, for helping me find the correct path, for teaching me lesson daily, and for reminding me of my own capabilities. I thank you for leading me with your fire through the darkness, for helping me find adventure through even the greatest hardships I am so gratefull to have you in my life thank you thank you thank