Hail to thee Ithunna! Lady of the Ochsrd, of sweet and sweat. May my community be blessed with honest work and joyful rest in equal measure. Hail.
Lit Sun February 18, 2024Thank you Iduna!
Thank you Iduna, for renewing, returning, and reviving the world as you return from your sleep.
Lit Sat January 27, 2024Thank you Iduna!
Thank you Iduna, for your help today saving my friend's life
Lit Sat December 16, 2023Please, Iduna
Iduna, please help my friend eli yesterday was his birthday
For this, I will always show gratitude and praise your name.
Lit Sun November 19, 2023Thank you Iduna!
Thank you Iduna, for the Winter Sun and the much needed rest.
Lit Tue November 14, 2023Please, Iduna
Iduna, please help mend my broken heart.
For this, I will continue to tend your gardens.
Lit Mon October 30, 2023Hail Iduna!
Hail Iduna!Awesome Goddess of health and renewal!
Lit Thu October 12, 2023Hail Iduna!
Goddess of renewal and keeper of the apples, I adore you. Goddess who provides nourishment to the Aesir, forever beloved, I admire you. You, bringer of blessings, whisperer of healing runes, You, frith-weaver, who shows patience to all even when times are tough. Idunna, ever-young descendant of elves, I worship you.
Hail the Rejuvenating one. Hail Goddess Idunna!