She sees the bloodlines run
The Tree dripping down
Roots housing the Holy Dead
Branches and Leaves the Holy Gods
The Living betwixt the two
She sees the paths our Old Ones walked
Jormungund ringing around us
The waters braved
The lands explored
The Trunk wide and strong
She sees the bloodlines
Before and after
When Fire and Ice met
The Sapling growing tall
In the midst of Gap
She sees the Gods
The Allfather’s Breath rise on the Trees
His Brothers’ gifts
The Gods’ embrace
Holiness in humanity
She knows the ways
The Disir, the Vater
Ancestors great and small
Those whose names skalds recount
and those who are Nidhogg’s dinner
She carries the knowledge
The Rings of the Tree
Wrinkles in Her Mind
Sharper than a field of swords
Full as Yggdrasil