Hail Hela! Great Mother goddess who speaks to my soul.
Lit Thu February 28, 2013Hela, please help...
Señora y niña mía, te solicito que cuides de mi hermano en la medida de tu celo, haciéndole ver que él es alguien bueno y ayudándole a dejar lo amargo atrás.
Si me ayudas, le haré darse cuenta que hace mucho que le cuidas y le sigues y que ambos te debemos vigilancia y afecto.
Lit Tue February 26, 2013Hela, please help...
My Lady of Death, Because I love you, teach me how to love you.
Lit Sun February 24, 2013Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for calling unto me and showing me the signs I needed to realize who I truly am. Your call is a blessing and your purpose in my life is a challenge I look forward to. Whether it be making peace with death, finding solace in the loss of so many loved ones, serving people in need as you have, learning to leave my worries and burdens behind and live a more joyful life, or connecting with my ancestors in Helheim,I open my soul to your lessons and am forever greatful for your call. Heil Hela.
Lit Fri February 22, 2013Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for choosing me to be one of Yours. And thank you for the magnificent people you've put in my life and for the honor of being identified with what and who I love.
Lit Thu February 07, 2013Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for sharing your beloved with me.
Lit Wed January 23, 2013Hela, please help...
Hela, please help me on my job-site and in my life. There are people standing against me and want to destroy me. Help me and put things right Dear Hela.
For this, I will always honor you
Lit Thu January 17, 2013Hail Hela!
Hail, Hela! Thank You for all that You have taught me. Thank You for helping me to realize that death is not something to be feared. I praise Your name. Hail, Hela and all Your many names!
Lit Thu January 17, 2013Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for helping me discover Order of the Good Death, and for gifting me with the inspiraton to write several recent articles on the subject of dying.
Hail and thanks to the Lady of Decay, to the Goddess of Endings!