Thanks to help me share my Light from my dark and bring me in Transformation evry Day! )o(
Lit Wed May 08, 2013Hail Hela!
Hail Hela! To you this Dark Moon I give
Lit Thu May 02, 2013Hail Hela!
Hail Hela!
Lit Thu May 02, 2013Hela, please help...
Хель, прошу, помоги мне носить твое царство у себя в сердце. Помоги расправить крылья, взлететь ветром твоего мира.
За это я обещаю быть мудрее и хладнокровнее, и видеть то, что есть на самом деле.
Lit Tue April 30, 2013Hela, please help...
Hela, please help me in my insanity. I ask for your aid, dear Mother.
For this, I will attempt to give you a carcass if i possibly can. this sounds small and insignifigant to say attempt, but it is all I know to offer...
Lit Sun April 28, 2013Hail Hela!
Hail Hela! Wise Lady of truth and of rest. Please teach me about having compassion rather than empathy, so I can stay well while working with the dead and bereaved. Please help all of us who see what the world says no-one should have to in the course of our duty, make our peace with what we do and serve with honour. May we please you by our care for the ones in your keeping.
Lit Sat April 20, 2013Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for taking Grandpa Bob into your house and into your fold, reuniting him with his ancestors and his wife. She is the only woman he has ever truly loved. Thanks for warding them. Hail to you.
Lit Fri April 19, 2013Hail Hela!
Hail Hela! Please conduct those recently dead safely wherever they are going. I love and honor You.
Lit Thu April 18, 2013Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for my new job as coffinbearer, for helpful, guidance eternal Hail !