Thank you Hela, for sharing your servant with the world and enabling him to travel far and wide to help others. Hail!
Lit Wed October 08, 2014Hail Hela!
Hail Hela!
Lit Wed October 08, 2014Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for turning a negative into a positive and for keeping me alive until my time on Earth is up. I feel my life was saved multiple times for some reason.
Lit Wed October 08, 2014Hail Hela!
Hail Hela!
Lit Mon October 06, 2014Hail Hela!
Hail Hela! For truth in a vision today
Lit Sun October 05, 2014Hail Hela!
Hail Hela!
Lit Sat October 04, 2014Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for the visions of truth.
Lit Fri October 03, 2014Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for the gentle reminder of my own mortality and the courage to face the dark side of my life.
Lit Thu October 02, 2014Thank you Hela, for...
Thank you Hela, for truth.
Lit Thu October 02, 2014Hail Hela!
Hail Hela!
Thanks to remember in this Time of the Wheel of the Year , that dark needs light and light needs darkness )O(