Hail Syn, Great Goddess of Boundaries! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Fri February 08, 2019Thank you Syn
Thank you Syn, for never giving up on me; even when I'm not listening. Thank you for always standing beside me, quietly guiding me and teaching me. May you always be praised and your name remembered.
Lit Wed January 30, 2019Hail Syn!
Hail Syn!
Lit Mon December 10, 2018Hail Syn!
Hail Syn, Great Goddess of Boundaries! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Wed October 03, 2018Hail Syn!
Hail Syn!
Lit Tue September 11, 2018Hail Syn!
Hail Syn, Noble Goddess of Boundaries! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Wed August 29, 2018Hail Syn!
Hail Syn!
Lit Wed August 08, 2018Hail Syn!
Hail Syn!
Lit Mon June 18, 2018Thank you Syn
Thank you Syn, for all that you do. Thank you for providing people with the strength to say no when needed and to have healthy boundaries. I hope that the consent movement that is going on will help people learn about boundaries and that it will be a movement that honours what you stand for. Hail Syn!
Lit Thu May 03, 2018Please, Syn
Syn, please help me maintain healthy, clear boundaries. Protect this new blossoming.
For this, I will continue my ongoing practice and honour you in sacred space and with paint.