Light a Candle for Hlin

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sun September 25, 2016 Please, Hlin

Hlin, please help those who are refugees. The world is becoming more and more fearful of these innocent people who only seek protection from the violence of wars around them.
For this favour, I have not much to offer other than my gratitude in knowing that some refugees will find safe homes and happiness under your protection.
Thank you for all that you do, and may do in the future, for those in need of safety. Hail Hlin!
Lit Fri September 23, 2016 Please, Hlin

Hlin, please help take me under your wing during these next few months and help me turn my life around.
Lit Wed September 14, 2016 Hail Hlin!

Hail Hlin!
Lit Wed August 17, 2016 Hail Hlin!

Hail Hlin!
Lit Sun July 31, 2016 Thank you Hlin

Thank you Hlin, for the refuge you offer those in dire need. Defend the helpless. Hail!
Lit Sun July 10, 2016 Hail Hlin!

Hail Hlin!
Lit Wed June 29, 2016 Hail Hlin!

Hail Hlin!
Lit Sun May 29, 2016 Hail Hlin!

Hail Hlin!
Lit Fri May 06, 2016 Thank you Hlin

Thank you Hlin, for helping me through my time of need. And for helping me pass my classes.
Lit Fri April 29, 2016 Thank you Hlin

Thank you Hlin, for Aiding my son while in Mons . Mons historically was called Hlin ,in the old old days . Belgium .
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