How You Found Me
by Isa Chen/Gretchen Gloreen Alexander
a devotional
poem to Frigga
I carve your name on a stone of pain,
Rainwights whisper of how you came
As a light to the sick and insane
And both I was when you found me praying,
Planning flight from shadows biting,
And you painted me colors of Asgard,
Found in my heart an innocent shard.
You who are the Mistress of all Mysteries,
Midwife of all births, Lady of all insight,
Free me on this night,
Show me the Mastery of Silence,
The virtue of transcendent light.
For though I never wanted war,
I always wanted to do right,
Nights grow darker with coming blight,
But you, my Queen, will always grant me sight.
Sight to free my tribe from bondage,
Sight to see my heart come home,
Sight to break my cage of stone
For while you rule, the cruel shall atone,
And your children shall come homeward,
Warded on all sides by the shields of your weaving.
Never leave me alone, my Queen,
Heal my disease and make me clean.
I will love you always, even in death,
Knowing I will return on the bridge of your Breath.
Artwork by Duncan Meredyth.