Thank you Freya, for bringing beauty into my life!
Lit Mon August 26, 2013Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for steering me in the direction of psychology as a major.
Lit Mon August 26, 2013Hail Freya!
Hail Freya!
Lit Mon August 26, 2013Freya, please help...
Freya, please help me to get courage to express my feelings to the girl that I love and make her love me too.
For this, I will honor you in this life and the next.
Lit Sun August 25, 2013Hail Freya!
Hail Freya!
Lit Sun August 25, 2013Freya, please help...
Blessed Be,Lady Freya, please hear my plea and ease my plight, Devin's love,friendship,commitment,and faithfulness do I seek. Beloved lady of love and light please hear my plea and ease my plight.
For all the gifts you have bestowed upon me I am eternally grateful and devoted to your service.What has been gifted to me shall be returned seven fold.In perfect love and in perfect
trust with harm to none.
Lit Sun August 25, 2013Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freyja, for making me smile when I come home each day. Your little cat hugs and purrs wash over me and makes it great to be alive! x You really have come back as my cat!
Lit Sun August 25, 2013Hail Freya!
Hail Freya! Praise to you O Blessed Lady for hearing our calls. Blessed be Golden Goddess for giving so many the hope and belief they need during their times of suffering and sorrow. Praise to you Dear Sister for showing your strength and compassion to all that seek you out. Thank you Freya for being approachable to us all.
Lit Sun August 25, 2013Freya, please help...
Freya, please be with me tomorrow at the hospital. Protector of women, stand near to my side and guide the hands of those who work upon my mortal body.Please call upon your sister Goddess Aphrodite and All Father to see me through this dark time. See to it that I return home to my children and husband well and safe, I pray to thee.
For this, I will be eternally grateful in my heart and I shall feel a strong love and devotion for my two beautiful sisters and the All Father knowing that they heard my call and chose to answer me with compassion and strength in my time of need.
Lit Sat August 24, 2013Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for answering the first time I spoke.