Thank you my dear Freya. Yesterday I asked for your help and in a matter of hours my pain and nausea were gone. I shall praise you forever. Hail Freya!
Lit Wed March 27, 2024Freya, please help...
Freya, please help me get my promotion at work this week!
For this, I will get you chocolate and flowers!
Lit Tue March 26, 2024Freya, please help...
Freya, please help me feeling strong and healthy again. Make my pain and nausea go away.
For this, I will offer you flowers and treat my cat!
Lit Tue March 26, 2024Freya, please help...
Freya, please help me get my promotion at work this week!
For this, I will get you chocolate and flowers!
Lit Mon March 25, 2024Hail Freya!
Hail Freyja!!
Lit Mon March 25, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for reaching out to me. I am deeply honored you saw something in me. Hail <3
Lit Sat March 23, 2024Hail Freya!
HAIL FREYJA! Glory to you! Thank you for helping me heal from my past mistakes.
Lit Sat March 23, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for guiding me and allowing me to grow despite not being the best or most-attentive devotee. Hail and praise Lady Freyja :) <3
Lit Sat March 23, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for guiding me on my journey. I praise you!
Lit Sat March 23, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Merci Freyja, grande Dame d'avoir protégé mon conjoint pendant son infarctus, il a senti ta douce présence protectrice, merci de l'avoir ramené auprès de moi, que nous soyons toujours unis, et sous ta protection avec nos enfants, que nous ne soyons jamais séparés, pour t'honorer nous allons faire sculter une statue en ton honneur, et avons créer un autel en ton honneur, je garderais toujours en mémoire le jour où tu m'es apparue lorsque j'étais enfant, j'aimerais tant te revoir en rêve, ce serait un honneur pour moi, encore Merci grande Dame, je te servirais jusqu'à mon dernier souffle, tu es pour moi la Déesse mère.