My dear Freya, please help me be more confident in my relationship. You know I prayed for this all my life. Don't let my anxiety ruin it. Please keep my boyfriend's love for me burning for eternity. Help us both in keeping our relationship strong and alive. Keep his patience and understanding for me forever. Let him see daily how much I love him. Help me to express myself better.
For this, I will light a pink candle every day for you.
Lit Thu July 18, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freya, for always guiding me and giving me strength and patience. Please help me through this current anxiety and to remember that it will all fall beautifully into place as it is intended.
Thank you for my wonderful partner and all the dreams we are helping each other to come true. Blessed we are to be able to experience love such as this. Thank you.
Lit Wed July 17, 2024Hail Freya!
That your existence brings the sun to humankind
Lit Wed July 17, 2024Freya, please help...
Im asking for help. My cat Mihi is lost. I don't know where else to look for it. Please bring it back to us. Thank you
Lit Sun July 14, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Благословляю жінку що має маленького сина яку я недавно бачила біля дитячого майданчика на прекрасне материнство в тій мірі і той час, в яких їй потрібне це благословення .
Lit Sat July 13, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freyja for being my mom! For your guidance and support with Auntie Frigg. I appreciate and love you and am grateful you’re in my life. Thank you
Lit Thu July 11, 2024Freya, please help...
Freya, please help the stray cat I believe you brought to our home, she is very underweight and isn't eating well. Please help her feel better, in whatever way that is.
For this, I will build your alter in my back yard and leave and offering of her fur, as well as the fur from my two other cats.
Lit Thu July 11, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freyja, for hearing my calls and blessing me.
Lit Wed July 10, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Thank you Freyja for being my mom! For your guidance and support with Auntie Frigg. I appreciate and love you and am grateful you’re in my life. Thank you
Lit Tue July 09, 2024Thank you Freya, for...
Ti saluto e ti onoro con tutto il mio cuore, Grande Dea, che sciogli i nodi del cuore. Ti saluto Madre, Signora e Maestra. Benedicimi.❤️