The Golden Year

Shannon Graves

Frey8Oak Tree Moon

The twins entwine their limbs

in the circle of fruiting trees

as the sun rises, as the earth splits open

the land is blessed and renewed.


Holly Tree Moon

The stallion bears him through the village,

the people strain to touch his feet

and hair as he dismounts to kiss

the women who wail for their wombs to fill.


Hazel Tree Moon

He goes among the men. No women dare watch.

They touch and laugh, hand to staff,

they feed the soil and each other’s hungers,

and learn the nature of the turning year.


Grapevine Moon

He is slain in silence. No more is said.

He travels to the dark place and returns,

his wife greets him, bleeding as he bleeds,

their joining is a spell of frith.


Ivy Moon

They are newlyweds always, trembling fingers

that wipe honey on each other’s lips,

their love sees beauty in the turning leaves

and surrenders to the autumn forest.


Reed Moon

The Harvest King, he sits enthroned

surrounded by the baskets of bounty,

fruit and nuts and rune-marked loaves

that gleam beneath the twig-struck moon.


Elder Tree Moon

His father’s son, he passes him

as they trade places on the wintering shore.

With miller and beekeeper, with wife and friend

he moves the household to the Elven lands.


Birch Tree Moon

The elves feast him in their halls

as his lady keeps her counsel at home

under quilts of old dreams stitched together

he is drunk on faery ale, she opens her arms to him.


Rowan Tree Moon

In the land of glamours he holds court

his tooth-gift, the watchdog of Odin.

He lays with faery maids and laughs

their glamour does not touch him.


Ash Tree Moon

They part with tears, he turns to go

back to Asgard’s halls, she goes home

to giant’s lands where cold her garden grows.

Crows carry their love-notes, each to each.


Alder Tree Moon

He walks his sister’s realm

as she walks their homeland’s fields

in returning spring, he feasts with gods

of sky and cloud, and all love him.


Hawthorn Tree Month

Thorns prick deep as he yearns for his love

but still he drowns his sorrow in mead

goes to councils of the mighty ones

and pleads for peace among warriors.


Willow Tree Month

The summer days are gaining hours

as he takes ship at his father’s Asgard hall

to see his green homeland once again

to death, to love, to all that moves the worlds.


Artwork by NessieValkyria.