Hail to
Bright one, Golden one,
Lord of Alfheim
Gullinbursti’s master
Loving spouse to strong Gerd,
Dutiful son to good NjorthR
Possessor of riches that permeate
The very strands of your composition.
Good one, Protective one
You don’t fear death,
So deep is your bravery
You sacrificed your sword for love
Unafraid to fight at the end of the worlds barehanded
Light one, Virtuous one,
Fair of face, Pure of heart
Sacrificed for the grains that sustain us
Killed and regenerated
In strength and in sorrow
So that others may live, you give yourself
Part of you changing, dying, and reforming with each passing year
Selfless one, Faithful one
You love with an unfettered heart
In its bright ceremonious glory
So deep is your life force
That it itself brings life, maintains life, nourishes the fields
The grains are your sons, the plants your daughters
They too are sacrificed so that others may live
And they give gladly, purely, without expectation
Wise one, Wanting one
Stripped of your glamour you are still beautiful
Your beauty radiates from the heart
Its pulchritude unable to be pulled away
Not even in death does your love falter
For even through the very act of your death
Life springs forth
Honorable one, Joyful one
Lord of abundance, keener of virtuous pleasures
So deep is your love and compassion for the world of men
That you guide us to find the ecstatic truths within ourselves
Ever patient, often lending a hand and illuminating the way
Guiding one, Gilded one,
Mentor, truth seeker, teacher, life-giver
He who leads by most exuberant example
The goodness in you resonates from the core of your being
You are fair of heart and mind
Fair one, Fecund one
No measure of thanks could be apt repayment
For the shining glorious gifts you bring
Nor the treasures that you offer
Your golden spirit shines like a beacon in the darkness
Helping us to find the joy inside ourselves
And revel in life’s abundances
Guiding us towards lives well lived
Please accept this humble prayer of gratitude
In the sincerest possible spirit of love and admiration.
Artwork by MarisVision.