Light a Candle for Gerda

Gratitude Praise Request

First | Previous | Showing candles 831 to 836 of 836
Lit Thu March 31, 2011 Hail Gerda!

Hail Gerda!
Lit Wed February 23, 2011 Hail Gerda!

Hail Gerda! Loving wife of Frey!
Lit Tue February 22, 2011 Hail Gerda!

Hail Gerda, Lady of the Walled Garden, who teaches us the value of solitude.
Lit Thu February 17, 2011 Hail Gerda!

Hail Gerda!
Lit Fri February 11, 2011 Thank you Gerda, for...

Thank you Gerda, for introducing me to all the plants.
Lit Fri February 11, 2011 Thank you Gerda, for...

Thank you Gerda, for introducing me to all the plants.
First | Previous | Showing candles 831 to 836 of 836